About Us
5 Star Auction is located just south of Iowa City, IA, and is excited to be able to offer an alternative auction service to folks in the area. Our main auction site is located just north of Highway 22 halfway between Kalona and Riverside, and our facilities allow us to run two rings at the same time. The local Amish ladies are pleased to provide food and drinks for folks during our sales, and we have restrooms on site. We offer three auctioneers routinely, but can call in friends from other auction houses if your sale requires more service. We plan to offer remote bidding in the near future, especially for our machinery auction. We have many dedicated hands, willing to work hard to make your next auction or consigned sale a success. Please give us a try.

Where are you located?
Most of our sales will be located at our Auction Site, 2530 Highway 22, Riverside, IA. For auctions on location, we will make those addresses available on our Auctions page allow with auction bills.
Where is the best place to park?
Parking is available north of our building up the gravel drive. For those with mobility issues, there is some vehicle parking south of our building, also accessible by the east drive. The northwest corner of the property is reserved for buggies.
How do I register to bid?
We have a clerk on site that will be happy to set you up with a number to bid. We plan to offer remote bidding in the near future. Watch this site for more information as it comes available.
What are your terms?
Payment must be made on the day of sale before the item can be removed from the premises. We accept cash, and personal checks with proper ID.
How long do I have to retrieve my items?
Depending on the schedule, we anticipate that items can be left 7 days following the sale. We will be happy to assist in making your items easily available when it is convenient for you to return for them. Watch for signs on the day of sale for tighter restrictions.
How much advance notice do you need to schedule my sale?
The more time we have to prepare for your sale, the better we can get the word out to gather the most buyers possible. We suggest 2-3 months to allow us to give you the best bang for your buck!